vrijdag 12 februari 2010

Virtual nerd

Alleen omdat ik verbaasd was zet ik dit bericht hier neer.


je maakt videos met uitleg van (moeilijke) wiskunde en je hebt wellicht een succesvolle dienst ontwikkeld...

ik neem nu de tekst van de webiste over

Created by an expert tutor and a designer, Virtual Nerd gives students a new option to turn to when they need help. For a fraction of the cost of private tutoring, students gain access to hundreds of interactive step-by-step video tutorials that match up with the practice problems in their textbook. Virtual Nerd’s patent-pending e-Learning system anticipates students’ questions, so they can easily drill down to related tutorials if they get confused. The innovative design makes it easy for students to stay focused. Plus, unique reporting features mean parents and teachers can stay involved with students’ progress.

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